無名之後是 ... Yahoo! 360°

Yahoo! 360° Is Closing: Action Required

Dear Yahoo! 360° customer,

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please use the link at the bottom of the message.

We will be officially closing Yahoo! 360° on July 13, 2009, to focus our efforts on making your new profile on Yahoo! the place where you connect with the people who matter to you most. As a result, you will need to move your 360° information to your new profile before this date. After July 12, 2009, your content on Yahoo! 360° will no longer be accessible. Here are some details to guide you through this transition.

What you need to move to your new profile

Your 360° information will not be automatically transferred to your new profile on Yahoo!. To move your profile photo, nickname, and any personal status messages, you'll need to first save or download them before July 13, 2009. Once you've saved this information, you can later upload it to your new profile. Be sure to head over to your new profile soon so you can make it look just the way you want.

What to do with your blog

Be sure to take your blog with you as part of this transition process. To help, we've built a blogging tool for you in your new profile on Yahoo!. We've made the move easy; it takes just one click to take your posts with you. If you'd prefer to take your blog to a different website instead, you can download an archive of your posts and transfer them to your new blog space. Click here to read more about your blogging options.

Some content will not be supported in your new profile

Please note that your new profile will not allow mature content. Also, you will not be able to take the following with you to your new profile: your 360° inbox, testimonials, friend categories, local reviews, RSS feeds, tags, or custom theme. If you want to retain any of this material, we strongly recommend that you return to your pages and download it before July 13, 2009.

Your privacy settings are retained

Your privacy is important to us. Both your new profile and your blog contents will be set to "private". This means unless you change the setting, you will be the only one able to see your profile.

To help you through this transition, we've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and resources here.

Thank you for using Yahoo! 360°. We look forward to seeing you in your new profile on Yahoo!.

The Yahoo! Profile Team






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