中華民國國防部公告 中共解放軍臺海周邊海、空域動態(民國112年3月15日, 2023/03/15)


中共解放軍臺海周邊海、空域動態 發布時間:112年3月15日0900時 一、日期:
中華民國112年3月14日(星期二)0600時至3月15日(星期三)0600時止。 二、活動動態:

People's Liberation Army(PLA)'s activities in the sea and airspace around the Taiwan Strait (March 15, 112th Year of the Republic of China)

PLA's activities in the sea and airspace around the Taiwan Strait

Release Time: 0900 on March 15, 112th Year of the Republic of China


From 0600 on Tuesday, March 14, 112th Year of the Republic of China to 0600 on Wednesday, March 15, 112th Year of the Republic of China.

As of 0600, a total of 28 sorties of PLA aircraft (including 16 instances of crossing the middle line and its extension into the southwest and southeast airspace) and 4 warships were detected operating in the sea and airspace around the Taiwan Strait. The ROC military closely monitored and responded with mission aircraft, ships, and land-based missile systems."

PLA是中共解放軍的縮寫。"PLA" stands for "People's Liberation Army" in English, which is the official name of the armed forces of the People's Republic of China. In Chinese, it is called "中國人民解放軍" (Zhōngguó Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn).

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